Post Nasal Drip What Works For Me

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By Walter Ballenberger
Postnasal drip is an unscientific term that refers to the sensation of thick phlegm in the throat which can become infected. So says Dr. Murray Grossan in his book The Sinus Cure, 7 Simple Steps. He goes on to explain that this is caused when our cilia-mucous system is not functioning properly and how pulsating nasal irrigation can help correct this situation.
It has been several years since Ive felt the pain and discomfort of a severe sore throat caused by post nasal drip. I have been using the pulsating nasal irrigation system since then and have been free of the process that led me into colds and sinus infections. Looking back, even into my childhood, the sequence went like this:
– A little tickle in the throat appears lasting a day or two.
– A more serious sore throat caused by post nasal drip begins.
– Onset of a cold with lots of congestion and blockage, runny nose and eyes.
– Onset of a sinus infection and the associated deep headaches and pain in my upper nasal cavities and around the eyes.
– A course of antibiotics for 10 days to two weeks.
Even now there are occasions when I start to feel the familiar old tickle that begins the process. This is a dangerous warning sign, and I will do several things including additional nasal irrigation (at least twice or even three times per day), and I will also take 5 mg. of prednisone. Sometimes in order to fight off the coming attack, Ill need to take the prednisone for two or three days. This is in addition to taking flonase before going to bed, and possibly zyrtec, which is an antihistamine. Prednisone is a steroid and can have serious side effects if too much is taken. However, it does open up sinus cavities so they can drain properly, and the above amounts are not too much to cause problems, according to my ENT specialist.
In almost every case over the past 5 years or so, the above procedure has prevented the old sequence of events that led to a sinus infection. When I was very young I used to say, when I get a cold, its a doozy. Little did I know that I was experiencing sinus infections. A normal cold only lasts 5 days to a week or so, but my colds would last 10 days or sometimes two weeks, and they were difficult to deal with. My nose and eyes would run so much I could only lie in bed with my eyes closed for days.
If the above scenario sounds familiar, I highly suggest using the pulsating nasal irrigation process on a daily basis, and to follow the above procedure if you start to feel the ominous tickle in your throat.
It is normal for mucus to run down the back of ones throat as part of the normal cilia-mucous system functionality. Generally this is not even noticed. But when it becomes thick, sticky, and starts to cause pain, it is obvious that post nasal drip has made itself evident. It should be noted as well that the thick phlegm is often infected since it is just sitting there and pooling up in your nose and throat. This obviously exacerbates the post nasal drip problem, so clearing this out with nasal irrigation is even more important.
About the Author: Walt Ballenberger is founder of
, a resource web site for sinusitis sufferers. Ballenberger is not a medical professional, just a sinus sufferer for years.
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