Health Benefits Of Ghee

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By Sally Grey
Ghee is a popular choice for health conscious people. It offers a healthy cooking alternative to oil and butter being free of lactose. Ghee, also known as clarified butter, is recommended by Ayurvedic medicine (Indian medicine system) as an overall balanced food. It is also suggested as beneficial by experts for various ailments.
Medicinal uses
Ayurvedic practitioners suggest that ghee enhances memory, rejuvenates the skin and helps balancing the hormones. Unlike other fats, ghee helps in digestion by stimulating the secretion of stomach acids. Yogis believe that it makes the body flexible by connecting the lubricating tissues. It also enhances the immune system by the supplying phenolic antioxidants according to a yoga journal. Experts suggest that due to the butyric acid content of ghee, it has anti-viral and anti-cancer properties. The ‘Indian Materia Medica’, a highly reputed book for Ayurvedic remedies recommends that ghee mixed with honey can be applied effectively to blisters, wounds and inflammations.
Guides to herbal medicine state that ghee strengthens the ‘ojas’, that is, the underlying essence of body tissues. Adequate ojas prevent the body from diseases and increases the body’s longevity. Ghee also aids in digestion and metabolism. It strengthens the liver rather than clogging it unlike other kinds of fats. As stated by many Ayurvedic practitioners, this food product calms sensitive skin along with diseases of the nerves, tissues, and mind. It can be used as a base for massage as well oil.
Ghee is made by purifying the fat that cows produce in their milk. This food product removes wastes from the body and soothes burns. It also slows the ageing process. There are also ongoing researches on the potential of ghee to remove bad cholesterol. It is used in the Indian medicine to help in ulcers, constipation and the promotion of healthy eyes. In addition to its nutritional values, it also aids in the absorption of vitamins and minerals from other foods and strengthens the immunity system.
Other health benefits
This milk processed fat is lactose free and does not contain salt. It can be consumed by those who are intolerant to lactose or salt. It contains conjugated linolenic acid (CLA) which promotes weight loss. It also protects the body from heart diseases especially when used instead of other fats like butter and oil.
This fat product has a strong flavor, which requires a small quantity of it to be used while cooking. This is beneficial for those on diet. Due to its low moisture content, ghee also has the potential to remain unrefrigerated for a long time. It does not turn rancid at room temperature and retains its original flavor and freshness for about a year.
Ghee lacks hydrogenated oils for which it is claimed to be healthy for body. It does not have artificial additives, preservatives or trans fats. However, consuming large amounts is not good for the health as one table spoon contains approximately 14gms of fat. But, consumption of this fat source in large amounts is not necessary as only a small quantity adds aroma to your food and brings out a nice flavor.
About the Author: Sally Grey specializes in writing articles about health, diet, longevity and health specialists like Brenda Rusnak. Brenda Rusnak is a health care specialist who writes about
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